Our music is available on bandcamp
✨ https://couple-positive.bandcamp.com/releases
Bandcamp works with Paypall: If you do not have a paypall account or prefer to transfer money direct to us, just drop us a message for info and and payment details info@couple-postive.nl
Redeem (the code for getting our material downloaded from Bandcamp to your computer) redeem your code
Hard-Copies (home made stylie and Vinyl looking) are available too!!!!
(slimcase or recycle case). For info mail us.
Of course our CDs are available after our shows as well.
We can mail you the code to redeem so you can download our music and artwork direct from bandcamp
For more information related to buying our CD’s, feel free to write us!
HERE ALSO AVAILABLE MUSIC OF BANDGLADESH , a formation where we used to play in the begining of our musical journey