Couple Positive
Links to all our Social Media platforms:
Youtube channel:
NEW: just Released (on Spotify/Youtube music/Apple music/Deeser/Meta etc)
Bliep always with You:
(*) Since the end of 2024 we started to release all our recorded Tunes on all music platforms. The first singles are part of our previous CD’s, and will be (in the end) archived online as album that will be called “Best-Oldies”.
Transformation / Blue-Star-Shie / In Between / Blieb, Always with You are now online.
Fluid is upcoming (8-2-25), and after that new recorded material will show up.
Subscribe, listen & put the tunes in playlists if You wish to support us and let our recording reality thrive : )
22-11-2025 BUR ceremony in Driebergen / Landgoed de Horst
09-09-2025 BUR ceremony in Driebergen / Landgoed de Horst
16-08-2025 Couple Positive Uplifting Collective at Levensvreugde Festival
19-07-2025 Wedding private party
17-05-2025 BUR Ceremony in Driebergen / Landgoed de Horst
10-03-2025 BUR ceremony in Driebergen / Landgoed de Horst
22-02-2025 – Yoga concert / poetry, yin joga & live music by Couple Positive / Jungle Amsterdam
28-02-2025 – Couple Positive Indian Collaboration: Jyotirmoy Chakrabarty (Tablas) & Mayukh Gangopadhyay (Sarod) MAHARA AMSTERDAM
27-02-25 Couple Positive Indian Collaboration: Jyotirmoy Chakrabarty (Tablas) & Mayukh Gangopadhyay (sarod) MAHARA ZUTPHEN
11-01-2025 Couple Positive Ecstatic dance event at Maankaravaan, Buiksloterkerk
22-12-24 CP & Agnieszka Frączyk at Mleczarnia Wrocław
26-11-24 CP & THE ELEMENTS Ft. Sharrif Simmons at Salon Ruigoord
21-11-24 Couple Positive Uplifting Collective at Ruby Emma Hotel in Amsterdam
14-11-24 CP & NUSODIA Maankaravaan , Buiksloterkerk
15-9-24 CP and VIPER MAD at PARADISO
14-9-24 CP & THE ELEMENTS spiritual private party at HOF van AXE
30-8-24: CP at Pantribe Belgium
26-7-24: CP at Song of Yoga te Amstelpark Amsterdam
24-8-24: CP & Yael Peles Levensvreugde Festival
16-8-24: CP at Landjuweel Festival/Ruigoord Salon + Elements 18-8-24
14-7-24: CP & Wouter Schueler at Healing Festival
13-7-24: Couple Positive at Amsterdam Blend / Mercatorplein
22-6-24: CP/Elements at Maanzin te Ruigoord
19-5-24: CP feat. Aga Frączyk ( viol, voc) Kalaczakra Wrocław
24-4-24: CP – Esta Poliesta MAANKARAVAAN Esctatic Fool Moon Ceremony in Buiksloterkerk
21-4-24: CP4 – Wouter Schueler (saxes, flutes, bass clarinet) & Yael Peles ( voc) 14.00
Groenmarkt Amsterdam
20-4-24: CP / Silvia v Sweeten & Han Here & Now (private party)
12-4-24: CP/ Vipermad at Zaal 100 Amsterdam
31-3-24: CP meets Jyotirmoy Chakrabarty ( India ) on Tablas + Yael Peles
at Munganga Theater Amsterdam
16-3-24: CP Lewinski cafe in Sneek
11-3-24: CP – BUR ceremony in Driebergen Landgoed de Horst
17-2-24: CP at Song of Yoga (Andre Meeusen) Jungle Amsterdam
29-1-24: CP & Elements at Hans Plomp 80ie birthday party at Salon Ruigoord
7-1-24: CP in Wroclaw Poland, klubokawiarnia Mleczarnia
15-12-23: Cp featuring Han Here and Now and Friends – Salon Ruigoord
27-11-23: CP ceremonie Maankaravaan Concertgemaal Amsterdam Noord
27-11-23: CP & Mame Djac at Roode Bioscoop Amsterdam
8t/m12-11-23: CP featuring MIC project in Amersfoort / concert 11-11-23 KOSMIC
11-9-23: CP /The Elements at Okura Hotel Amsterdam / Event IR Global
12-9-23: CP – BUR ceremony in Driebergen
2-9-23: CP wedding party
1-9-23: CP op Levensvreugde Festival in Uffelte
19-8-23: CP Handpan festival in NDSM /Amsterdam
11-8-23: CP op Rise up , Familie en co-creatie festival te Kasteel De Berckt, Limburg
2730-7-7-23: 50 jaar Landjuweel festival Ruigoord. (27 CP Salon /28 Elements Salon/30 samba-Bumba)
16-7-23: CP & Wouter Schueler at Healing festival in Lage Vuursche
2/5-7-23: CP / Wouter Schueler at BUR
24-6-23: CP /The Elements at Tobacco Theater Amsterdam
17-6-23: CP / Elements at Ceuvel Amsterdam
9/10-6-23: CP / Wasim show at Souk party te Concertgebouw Amsterdam
4-6-23: CP at timboektu party Pelle 2×25 wijk aan zee
3-6-23: Bur Ceremony in Driebergen
11-5-23: Cp Kalaczakra Wroclaw Polen
28-4-23: CP / ViperMad te ADM – Amsterdam Noord
23-4-23: CP op de Groenmarkt in de Oosterkerk te Amsterdam
20-4-23: CP / Attachment 2 project start van de tentoonstelling “Someone is getting rich” Tropenmuseum Amsterdam
13-3-23: CP(+) BUR Health retreat, Driebergen
19-2-23: Couple Positive te Carnaval Maastricht
28-12-2022: CP(+) / The Elements Het Ballonnenfeest in Paradiso, Amsterdam
3-12-2022: CP(+) / The Elements at Tobacco Theater, Amsterdam featuring Sharrif Simmons & Reggie Washington
1-12-2022: CP(+) Pensioen time Atten party
12-11-2022: CP(+) BUR Health retreat, Driebergen
13-10-2022: CP(+) at Connection cafe Utrecht (Beautiful mess)
8-10-2022: CP(+) / The Elements at Tobacco Theatre Amsterdam
25-9-2022: CP(+) / The Elements at Buurtkamer Zeeburg Amsterdam
12 & 14-9-2022: CP(+) & Wouter Schueler at BUR-Health retreat
10-9-2022: CP (+) /Jeroen coaching “live performing” Antwerpen
4-9-2022: CP(+) & Silvia v Swieten crew at Wisdom keepers te Ruigoord
3-9-2022: CP(+) at Sassenheim (Joost/Marieke party)
31-8-2022: CP(+) Glow in the dark Expo Ben Acket, in DenBosch
24-8-2022: CP(+) Levensvreugde Festival – Uelenspiegel, in Uffelte-Drente (by Eric Huele & Edu-art)
11/14-8-2022: CP(+) / Ruigoord Landjuweel (o.a. the Elements, Sandhya Sanjana)
6-8-2022: CP(+) / The Elements at Oh La La Fest te Winterswijk
30-7-2022: CP(+) at Upstream Zomergathering
24-7-2022: CP(+) Dutch Handpan Festival in Noordwijk
23-7-2022: CP(+) & Hans Plomp at Georgies Wundergarten / Ruigoord
1-7-2022: CP(+) Odra Centrum in Wrocław ( Poland )
19-6-2022: CP(+) & The Elements Eilandenboulevard Seizoenmarkt Amsterdam
11-6-2022: CP(+) interactie concert Seniors Apeldoorn
22-5-2022: CP(+) pre-ware liefde meetup
21-5-2022: CP(+) / BUR Health (souljourney & live concert CP(+) & Wouter Schueler
16-5-2022: CP(+) / Sandhya Sanjana Vrije geluiden / NPO2 extra live registration
14-5-2022: CP(+) / & Bjorn Vipermad PijP buurt feest
1-5-2022: CP(+) / The Elements viering huwelijk Hans Plomp & Masja te Ruigoord
23-4-2022: CP(+) / Earthday krui-tocht met Ballon gezeldschap Ruigoord
19-3-2022: CP(+) Rijkshemelvaart Lente viering met Atten & Atmani
16-4-2022: CP(+) / The Elements at Tobacco Theater Amsterdam (sold out)
25-3-2022: CP(+) /The Elements at Rooie Bioscoop Amsterdam
17-1-2022: BUR Health (accompany souljourney & live concert)
26/27/28-11-2021: CP(+) show in Belgium (canceled)
20-11-2021: BUR Health (accompany souljourney & live concert)
19-11-2021: CP(+) / Vipermad in de Patronaat te Haarlem
30-10-2021: CP(+) at Estatic-Odessa te Amsterdam
22-10-2021: CP(+) / Vipermad in de Nieuwe Anita te Amsterdam
15-10-2021: CP(+) / Elements te Kerk Ruigoord
10-10-2021: CP(+) at Gallary studio 26 te Scheveningen
02-10-2021: CP(+) / Sandhya Sanjana for UVA musicology (Arnold Blake vereniging)
21-9-2021: BUR Health, accompaniying the Medicine Wheel (the West)
02 till 05-09-2021: LaNature in Belgium
20-08-2021: The Elements in Salon Ruigoord
13-8-2021: Oh La La camping te Winterswijk
10-07-2021: Global Handpan Hang: Session 6 ( FREE ONLINE EVENT !!!! )
30-07-2021: The Elements in Rode Bioscop
27 & 29-07-2021 Zomercamping
24-7-2021: Heks-Belgium wedding party
8 & 10-7-2021: BUR Health (accompany ceremony)
14 & 16-6-2021: BUR Health (accompany ceremony)
22-5-2021: BUR Health promo gig (accompany souljourney )
16-5-2021: BUR Health promo gig (accompany souljourney )
27-4-2021: Koningsdag meet-up jam Elements (Flevo park)
15-1-2021: Live stream Wosp Polen
10-11-20 : Gongura (Sandhya & CP(+) at “Beautiful Mess” (Bijlmer bajes) 19.00-19.30
25 & 26-9-20 : cancelled: Couple Positive at Ruigoord + Natural High “Magic of the light”
29-5/1-6-20 : canceled: Couple Positive Poetry-Hang-Vibe Ooh la la festival (absurdistisch bewustwordingsfestival te Landgoed AlGoed)
18-4-20 :canceled: Gongura (Sandhya & CP(+) te Arno Bake society te Amsterdam
26-3-20 : canceled: Gongura (Sandhya & CP(+) te Soundgarden Amsterdam
13/14/15-3-20 : canceled: Couple Positive & Shama Rahman (UK) Babel Sound Amsterdam te Utrecht (13-3), Noorderlicht Amsterdam (14-3), Amersfoort (15-3)
Unfortunately Corona iced our complete schedule….we are using our lockdown period for creating new material and work on freakie video clips and meditative space away tracks. Light & Love for all of you…that we meet soon again
1-2-20 : Couple Positive – Wasim & friends, Garden of Babylon te Westergas Amsterdam
20/21-1-20 : Couple Positive BUR sessions (accomp. ceremony + initiatie) te Landgoed de Horst (Zeist)
18-1-20 : CP(+) Quint & friends te Salon Ruigoord
22-12-19 : Gongura (Sandhya & CP(+) Noorderlicht Amsterdam
3-11-19 : Couple Positive Living Room concert Senioren te Bergen (NH)
28-9-19 : Couple Positive at Ruigoord-Kerk (Openbare werken)
16/18 – 9-19 : Couple Positive BUR sessions (meditation ceremony + initiatie)
24-8-19 : Couple Positive Wild Awake in Gent
Summer 2019 : Bandgladesh Babel festival & OZORA FESTIVAL Hungary
8 t/m 11 Augustus 2019 Landjuweel festival te Ruigoord: Couple Positive speelt met de Elements (opening), met Friends (Salon & Luchtbus), met Moos-crew (zaterdag-nacht Kerk) en met de kinderparade (Bumba – Samba)
12-7-19 : Couple Positive (accompanying hypnose session) BUR
6-7-19 : Couple Positive (accompanying meditation ceremony + initiatie) BUR session te Blijburg
9-6-19 : Gongura / CP(+) & Sandhya at Vurige Tongen festival Ruigoord (±18.00)
8-6-19 : Couple Positive meet-up Quinten Amsterdam Noord
1-6-19 : Couple Positive Wroclaw-Poland club Sofa
25-5-19 : Couple Positive at Babcia club – Wroclaw Poland
22-5-19 : Couple Positive Senioren (workshop & concert) Apeldoorn
18-5-19 : Bandgladesh in Ostade theater (Volkskamer)
28-4-19 : Couple Positive at Ruigoord Beltane festival
20-4-19 : Bandgladesh new CD release – party by Peace Concerts Soefi temple Katwijk (see event on Facebook)
11-4-19 : Gongura (Couple Positive meets Sandhya Sanjana) Soundgarden Amsterdam
9-3-19 : Gongura (Couple Positive meets Sandhya Sanjana) Livingroom Concert Sandhya in Amsterdam
8-3-2019 : Gongura (Couple Positive meets Sandhya Sanjana) Peper-OT301 Amsterdam
24-2-19 : Couple Positive (+) Noorderlicht-Amsterdam
8-2-19 : Couple Positive (+) meet Mame N’Diac Thiam te White House Collective Amsterdam
21/23-1-19 : Couple Positive (+) accompanying the BUR. initiaties
12-1-2019 : Bandgladesh , Yurt at Buitengoed de Uylenburg in Delfgauw 20.00 info see Bandgladesh fb event
24-11-2018: Couple Positive Duo, Ostade theater, Amsterdam vanaf 17.00 super small party (free entrance/happy donation) & nice food
23-11-2018 : Furaké OT301 Amsterdam
18-11-2018 : Furaké – Sexyland Amsterdam
13-10-2018 : Furaké Rijkshemelvaart Amsterdam
27-9-2018 : Bandgladesh Murcia-Spain (Re-generation festival)
22-9-2018 : Gongura (Couple Positive meets Sandhya Sanjana) living-room concert Amsterdam